マイクロファイバー生地を採用し、コットンより吸水性と速乾性が良く手触りも柔らかい機能満載なポンチョ Made of microfiber fabric, more absorbent and quick drying than cotton. Soft to the touch.


  1. UPF 50+ fabric for UV and sun protection.
  2. Made of microfiber fabric, more absorbent and quick drying than cotton. Soft to the touch.Easy to wash.
  3. With long sleeves and a hood, it comes in really useful when changing clothes outside on rainy days.
    Useful all year round, as a sun shade in the summer and as a cold/windproof barrier in the winter.Materials

Materials /

  1. 100% Microfiber


  1. Microfiber fabrics are highly absorbent and quick-drying, soft to touch, fast drying, and easy to wash.
  2. With long sleeves and a hood, it comes in really useful when changing clothes outside on rainy days.
  3. Useful all year round, as a sun shade in the summer and as a cold/windproof barrier in the winter.
    With side pockets.


  1. Perfect for changing at surfing, diving, swimming, pools,and more!
  2. Comfortable to wear in your room as a bathrobe or loungewear. Also, In case of a disaster,you can change privately in public.